Confidence and concern
The majority of Irish food and drink exporters remain optimistic about achieving growth in 2025, despite the business environment and operating challenges, according to Bord Bia’s [Irish Food Board] second annual CEO Sentiment Survey

For the second consecutive year, Bord Bia carried out a CEO survey on growth and performance sentiment in late November 2024. This was targeted at Ireland’s largest exporters with cumulative export value of almost €11bn, or two thirds of total exports.
According to the survey results, which were contained in the food board’s annual Export Performance and Prospects report 2024-2025 confidence is particularly strong in the European and UK markets, with over two-thirds of respondents anticipating opportunities for expansion in these regions. Looking at routes to market, eight in 10 respondents (82 per cent) expect growth in the retail sector; half the companies surveyed forecast growth in the foodservice channel and 44 per cent in the manufacturing sector.
This optimism persists despite more than one-third of these businesses expressing concerns that their competitiveness could decline in the next 12 months. Respondents cited rising labour costs, sustained cost inflation, difficulties in accessing raw materials, and geopolitical tensions, such as the looming threat of tariffs as key risks to competitiveness.
Growth source
For those companies targeting particular regions, the strongest confidence for export expansion was in Europe with three quarters 75 per cent expecting growth, while 66 per cent of companies expect growth in the UK.
More than 56 per cent anticipate growth in the Middle East and Africa, while 50 per cent expect to see growth in their exports to the Americas and Asia Pacific. Levels of confidence in growth potential have increased in Europe (up from 68 per cent), the UK, and the Middle East and Africa, while it has reduced in Asia Pacific and the Americas (down from 68 per cent).
Commenting, Bord Bia chief executive, Jim O’Toole said: “The robust performance and sustained success of the Irish agri-food sector is a testament to the industry’s focus on strategic market diversification, investment in sustainable practices, and commitment to world-class quality and traceability standards, evident throughout the supply chain.
“Climate change remains the most pressing challenge for our sector and, working with our national sustainability programme Origin Green, we must maintain our focus on maximising market value, while also safeguarding our environment. The programme’s emphasis on verified and measurable sustainability outcomes has been instrumental in shaping Ireland’s reputation on the global stage over the past decade and will continue to underpin the resilience and success of Ireland’s agri-food sector in the years to come.”